RFID is gaining momentum in express logistics

For many players in the RFID industry,whatthey mostexpectoseisthat RFID tags can be used initem-levellogistics,because compared tothe curentlabel market,the application ofexpresslogistics tags means anexplosion in RFIDtagshipments.increase,andwill rive alarge number of applications of upstream equipment and variousproducts suchasreaders and writers,accessdoors,etc.Not longago,the AloT Star MapResearch Institute's“2023ChinaRFIDPassive EcologicalReport-ExpressLogisticsApplication Market AnalysisReport"briefl reviewed the application of RFID inexpresslogistics.Itishoped that through understanding the current situation,we can find out more about RFID A new addition in the field of express logistics.

2024-08-26 163559

Market size
Atpresent,the expresslogisticsindustry has entered an era with abusiness olume of 100billon and ascale of tilins.Compared with foreign countries,the domestic expresslogistics industry has aseries of characteritics such aslow unit price,high frequency,and dense transportation network.With thedevelopment e-commerce in China,the expresslogistics industryis also booming.
The development of the express delivery industry can be divided into three stages.
①The50%growth stageis theindustry development period.Thanksto the development ofe-commerce,theexpressdeliveryindustryisexpanding rapidlyaths
stage,and business volume is also increasng rapidly.
②Inthe 30%growthstage,theindustryis rising.Asthe market size graduallyincreases,the growthrate ofthelogistics industry gradually lows down.At thesam
time,the industry has begunto movetowarda more eficient businessmodel.The establishmentofdistibution centers,transfer stations,and assemblylines has graduall increased the degreeofautomationin the expresslogistics industry.Athesametime,thetimelinessof expressdelivery has also been greatlyincreased ③The 10%growthratestageisthe stable period ofthe industry.From2022to now,the growthrate oftheindustry has continued to slow down and entered astab stage.Atthistime,the expresslogisticsindustry has entered a mature stage,and the expressdelivery reach rate and expressdelivery timelinesshavereached ove 90%.
Nowadays,the expressdelivery industry is graduall maturing and is begining to sek more intelient methodsto manage thecurentexpressdelivery business RFID,as one ofthe coretechnologies of asset management,has beengradully accepted and applied bythe expressdeliveryindustry.Inthe future,whatRFID playersare most concerned aboutis whether RFID can be appliedto every expresspackage.This willbe a potential market with hundredsofbilionsofRFID tags. Feasibility Analysis Industry needs
The demandforRFIDin theexpresslogistics fieldisrelatively lear.Firstofall,the expressdeliveryindustry hasalwaysbeen in thedevelopmentstage.From the early multi-layered ordersto the current barcode orders,its applicationtechnology is constantly developing.RFID receiptswill be an inevitabletrend in future development.Forthe logistics industry,RFID,compared to barcodes,canfalitatethe processesinthe expresslogistics transportation processuch as accurate trackingof goods,high-speed identification of expressdelivery,inteligent dispatch,trackingof eturned and exchanged products,and search forlostgoods,and increasethe efficiency of express delivery.

Post time: Nov-20-2023